The Transit Lounge
2 Mindset Tips for Side Business Growth
August 2, 2023
If you want to grow your side business, your biggest asset (and greatest potential handbrake) is your Mindset. This episode shares some simple tips you can apply to your situation so you can leverage your Mindset to keep taking action and achieve your business goals sooner.
Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to be able to make things happen and other people struggle?

Or why some people push through setbacks and others give up at the first hurdle?

Well the secret those 'get stuff done' people know is that your success is 80% Mindset...

When it comes to starting and growing a Side Business as part of your corporate escape plan you'll need to put effort into the inner game as much (if not more than!) the outer game.

In this episode of The Transit Lounge Podcast, Shandra shares:

These tips are simple ways you can tap into the super power inside your head and get your business really growing - even if you don't have a lot of experience and are not even sure if you can make it work, yet...

If you want more support and tips to help you grow your Side Business to be a viable future full time business, come and join our free community Facebook group called Side Business Australia - Start up, Scale Up, Take it full time.