The Transit Lounge
2021 Mid Year Reset - Review your Vision and Goals
July 19, 2021
If you've landed in the middle of the year and feel like you haven't made as much progress to start and grow your solo business as you hoped, then this episode is for you!
It's time to reset your Vision and goals for your solo business.

This episode shares ideas and practical tips of what you can do if you’re feeling frustrated that you haven’t made as much progress in starting or growing your solo business as you would have liked to by now.. 

In this episode, Shandra shares:

This episode is full of practical, simple actions you can take today to get back on track and keep moving to start and grow your business by making the most of the time you have.

Free eBook:
Plus - if you're considering starting your own solo business and want to know exactly what to focus and work on in your first year in business you can download a brand new free eBook 'The Top 4 Priority Focus Areas for a Profitable First Year in Business'.... it's a summary of interviews and conversations with more than 40 successful women in business who shared what they now know are the most important things for you to focus on to create a business that gives you the income and lifestyle you're looking for - as quickly as possible.

Get your free copy here



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