Welcome to Faith Made Simple Podcast
October 30, 2022
*** English is below ***
Fällt es dir schwer, zu glauben, im Glauben zu wachsen oder denkest du sogar, du hast keinen Glauben? "Glaube ganz einfach" Podcast mit Pastor Elisha Lawson ist für dich. Hör dir jeden Montag fünfzehn Minuten lang eine kraftvolle Lehre über den Glauben an und lerne, wie du ihn in jedem Bereich deines Lebens anwenden kannst. Jede Serie ist auf Deutsch und Englisch erhältlich.
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Are you struggling to get faith, grow in faith, or think you do not have faith? The Faith Made Simple podcast is for you with Pastor Elisha Lawson. Listen every Monday to 15 minutes of powerful teaching on faith and how to apply it in every area of your life. Each episode is available in German and English.
On this podcast Pastor Elisha Lawson teaches Simple, yet powerful truths about Faith. When Faith is made Simple you will be able to Believe it. Remember, "the just shall live by Faith." How can you live by something you do not understand? As you listen to each episode, Faith which is the Word of God, will always give you the victory when you believe it. (1 John 5:4) God gives light and understanding to the simple. (Psalms 119:130)