The Magic of Mindset
No More Leadership BS
The Magic of Mindset
August 18, 2021
Your mindset can transform your life in unimaginable ways producing better health, increased happiness, and even deeper pockets. The way we conduct ourselves, react to people and situations can all depend on our mindset. Jeff Geier of Phoenix Coaching challenges our listeners to take a look at their mindset and describes the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset...why it's important that you know the difference and how to tell which one you have.
Got questions or a really good story about how your mindset has affected your success? EMAIL US at askus@ We would love to hear about it!

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Today's Featured Coach - Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC  You can reach Jeff directly at [email protected]