Your Leadership Style: Does it change lives for the better or for the worst?
No More Leadership BS
Your Leadership Style: Does it change lives for the better or for the worst?
December 15, 2021
For many of us, working from home during COVID-19 has meant we are spending a lot of time on video meeting applications like Zoom. The effects of this have taken some of us by surprise. Sensitive topics are often canvassed, requiring us to notice subtleties and display empathy. Even knowing this, some of leadership's most public faux-pas have happened on this venue and leave us scratching our heads on how this could ever happen? Join us today as we become official arm-chair quarterbacks and dissect what appears to be a glaring violation of humanity in leadership. Dr. Sam Jennings of 360 Clarity leads us in a discussion of what could have been behind this very public display of "taking care of business" and what could have caused this leader to forget that real people with real lives were the ones who would suffer the greatest damage.
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us. If we read your story on a future episode, you will win a professional Behavioral and Motivator Assessment along with a Debrief with one of the coaches on our team.

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