Managing Your Team Can Be The Worst Way To Get The Results You Need
No More Leadership BS
Managing Your Team Can Be The Worst Way To Get The Results You Need
January 26, 2022
It's tough to pull in the panic when you are pushed to the limit with a short staff and a long list with a deadline that is approaching fast. When you find yourself in this or similar positions, it's all too tempting to throw away that darn carrot and bring out the stick. Sure, the job gets done, but stop and ask yourself...Are you building a team? or building fear? Jeff Conroy, of Conroy Leadership Developent, LLC leads our discussion as we toss around choices that leaders have not only in situations like this but in the everyday choices we make that results in leading by intimidation or motivation.
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Today's Featured Coach - 
  • Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC. Reach Jeff at [email protected] or  208-215-6285

The rest of the gang: