Bund des Glaubens / Covenant Faith
February 5, 2023
In dieser Folge des Podcasts Glaube einfach gemacht spricht Pastor Elisha Lawson über den Bund, den wiedergeborene Christen mit Gott durch das Wort Gottes haben. Als wiedergeborene Gläubige genießen Sie einen neuen Bund, der nicht dem alten Gesetz des Alten Testaments unterliegt.
In this episode of the Faith Made Simple podcast, Pastor Elisha Lawson talks about the covenant that born-again Christians have with God through the Word of God. As born again believers, you enjoy a new covenant that is not subject to the old law of the Old Testament.
On this podcast Pastor Elisha Lawson teaches Simple, yet powerful truths about Faith. When Faith is made Simple you will be able to Believe it. Remember, "the just shall live by Faith." How can you live by something you do not understand? As you listen to each episode, Faith which is the Word of God, will always give you the victory when you believe it. (1 John 5:4) God gives light and understanding to the simple. (Psalms 119:130)