Author to Authority
Book Publishing With Steve Eggleston
August 14, 2020
Fellow publisher Steve Eggleston joins Kim on the podcast to talk about the book writing process.
Fellow publisher Steve Eggleston joins Kim on the podcast to talk about the book writing process. Steve Eggleston is a law school Valedictorian, former law professor, author, lecturer, and colourful trial lawyer who left home at age 16 and worked his way through school. Over the years, his clients and adversaries have included con men, swindlers, greedy families, drug addicts, big oil & tobacco, Fortune 100 companies, entertainment giants, Grammy-winning artists and computer hackers. Upon leaving the law, he launched iiHiphop, one of the first online hiphop portals, executive produced feature films and theatre, helmed a rock n roll magazine, booked 1000+ live shows worldwide, and personally managed 7 x Grammy-winning music producer Steve Thompson. As a full-time author today, Steve is published in fiction and non-fiction, and is represented by legendary lit manger, Peter Miller. His most recent book helps non-writers write books – Writing Your Book After COVID-19. Though American, Steve lives with his family in Somerset, England. Learn more about Steve’s renaissance life See for privacy information.