The Sales Psyched Podcast
Ep 13: True Sales Hunters Love to Compete
July 12, 2021
A key "non-teachable" trait shared by sales hunters is their love for competition. This love for competition, gives owners and managers a powerful motivational opportunity.

Episode 13: True Sales Hunters Love to Compete

One of the key non-teachable characteristics we always look for in sales hunters is their love of competition. It is a core characteristic shared by all high-Drive salespeople. 
In this episode, you will learn: 
· How to motivate your competitive salespeople
· Hunters are not always driven by money
· Creative ways to challenge your salespeople
Salespeople's love of competition gives owners and sales managers a powerful motivational opportunity. Be sure you are truly embracing it.


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Additional Resources

For more on motivating your sales team, check out our blog: How to Motivate Your Sales Team.

More About SalesDrive, LLC

At SalesDrive, LLC, we help companies perfect the salesperson hiring process by offering a variety of tools, like a sales assessment and psychologically-based interview guides, that aid companies in never hiring a bad salesperson again. SalesDrive was founded in 2005 based on the single biggest frustration many companies face, selecting sales candidates who interviewed well, only to flame out when placed on the line. Dr. Croner reviewed more than 80 years of academic research as well as his own work in conducting intensive behavioral interviews and discovered that high-performance salespeople shared three innate personality traits. After identifying a gap in the marketplace, he went on to develop The DriveTest® sales assessment. The only sales assessment to measure the three non-teachable traits necessary for new business acquisition.
 If you are hiring salespeople, request a free DriveTest assessment today:


[soft melody theme music]
[00:00]  Katherine Abraham: Hello and Welcome to the Sales Psyched podcast, where we discuss strategies for leveraging psychology within the world of sales. Each episode is hosted by Dr. Chris Croner, who has a PhD in clinical psychology and has spent his career helping companies around the world build stellar sales teams.

[00:20]  Let's get started.
[deep drum, marching intro music]
[00:30]  Chris Croner: Dr. Chris Croner here. Remember sales managers, true hunters love to compete.

[00:36]  One of the key non-teachable characteristics we always look for in hunter salespeople is their love of competition. It is a core characteristic shared by all high-Drive salespeople. And we always want to see a very high score on our assessment, when we help companies select high-performance salespeople.

[01:00]  Salespeople's love of competition gives owners and managers a powerful motivational opportunity as well. And the interesting thing is it does not always have to be about money.

[01:14]  A study by marketing professor, Stephen Brown, at the University of Houston, tested 158 medical supply salespeople and found that highly competitive salespeople, who saw the company climate as competitive, consistently set higher goals. On the other hand, salespeople who were low in competitiveness consistently set lower goals, regardless of what they thought of the company climate.

[01:46]  So, you can activate the competitiveness in your salespeople by setting up a competitive environment. For example, to light them up from time to time, set up some occasional contests. You can do it individually, but you can also set up some team events, which can be great for the younger people as they align with some of the bigger producers and put some prizes in place.

[02:12]  A company I worked with recently has a WWE championship belt that goes to their top producer each month, which they proudly display on their desk.

[02:23]  Get creative. Have some fun with it. And watch your true competitors embrace the challenge.

[02:31]  Look forward to seeing you next time. 
[soft melody theme music]
[02:35]  Chris Croner: Thank you for listening to the Sales Psyched Podcast. If you haven't already, please be sure to click the subscribe button and leave us a five-star review. If you found this information helpful, please consider sharing it. We'd love your help in spreading the word.
[02:52]  Until next time, take care!