Discover Your Unique Path to Life Changing Impact: The Journey from Job to Calling With Jeff Conroy
No More Leadership BS
Discover Your Unique Path to Life Changing Impact: The Journey from Job to Calling With Jeff Conroy
December 28, 2022
As a leader, you probably have had moments in your leadership life where you felt like you were on a lonely journey with no one following. Jeff Conroy of Conroy Leadership Consulting shares his own story of how he realized that the key to making an impact and changing lives lies in understanding the difference between having a job, a career and a calling. His path to this realization was marked by emotional highs and lows, struggles and joys - but it ultimately led me to a place of self-understanding and growth. He shares this journey with you today and explains how it can help all of us find our true passion and purpose for life.
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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC. Reach Jeff at [email protected] or  208-215-6285

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