Following the Threads
Re-emerging as a (W)Holistic Business with Coach Hicunni Chandler
August 9, 2020
As we strip away what is no longer necessary or even relevant in this time of uncertantity, we can find ourselves with unique opportunities to actually reemerge as a Whole and Powerful being. Join me as my dear friend and colleague Hicunni Chandler and I share how we have taken the leap to unplug from all the ways we were taught a thriving business is supposed to look like and find ourselves in the way we decide it will now BE.

As we strip away what is no longer necessary or even relevant in this time of uncertainty, we can find ourselves with unique opportunities to actually reemerge as a Whole and Powerful being.

Join me as my dear friend and colleague Hicunni Chandler and I share how we have taken the leap to unplug from all the ways we were taught a thriving business is supposed to look like and find ourselves in the way we decide it will now BE.

In my reemergence, I will continue to shine a spotlight on uplifting people as we stand firm as Lighthouses, shining Love in these confusing times.

You'll now be able to join in to hear longer interviews or quick my quick weekly musing.
Either way, I'm so glad you are here and never forget you are not alone!

You can contact me at [email protected] or find my offerings at