What the Nell is going on here!? In today's episode Nell sits down with contractor, Steve Trott, and photographer, Kelly Johnson about those dreaded inquires we've all seen on social media...I'm looking for a service, but don't charge me an arm and a leg! We talk about the differences in value between different providers, qualifications, how to educate consumers on the right questions to ask, and MUCH more!
Connect with Steve: http://www.builtbymt.com
Connect with Kelly: https://www.kellyjohnsonphotog.com
Drop us a line!
[email protected]Click the link to grab a copy of Nell's #1 Bestselling book, Curvature of the Career: https://www.amazon.com/Curvature-Career-Twists-Pursue-Happiness-ebook/dp/B09VD5VNKC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ADN1EYOBN906&keywords=curvature+of+the+career&qid=1647545221&sprefix=curvature+%2Caps%2C60&sr=8-1
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IG: https://www.instagram.com/nellktice/
Travel Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxvtS3QSmTLOL8IZxm-kyg
Produced by enTICEing Media, LLC: www.enticeingmedia.com