Find Your Flow® Podcast
Find Your Flow Podcast #28 – Akashic Records Part 2 – #spiritflow
July 6, 2016
NOTE: 7/21/2023 - This episode had not uploaded correctly when I moved the podcast hosting to this platform. So if you tried to listen to it before the date listed here, you may not have been able to. Now it should work. This was originally recorded back in 2016, it was episode #28. Here is the original description... Akashic Records part 2. This is part two of a four part series logging my personal experiences with the Akashic Records.  I explore through meditation what the records are and what they want to teach me.  If anything. In this episode I have a cool experience and am able to better "see some light".
Akashic Records part 2 – This is part two of a four part series logging my personal experiences with the Akashic Records.  I explore through meditation what the records are and what they want to teach me.  If anything. In this episode I have a cool experience and am able to better “see” some light […]