BIP Chat with Penny Power OBE
BIP Chat with Jeremy Cassell - 7 Brilliant Selling Strategies
December 15, 2021
On this BIP Chat we chat to Leadership Coach, trainer, consultant and writer, Jeremy Cassell. Jeremy focuses on working with his clients on selling, presenting and influencing. There will be most to gain from listening to this chat if you are involved in sales in some way – a salesperson, manager, entrepreneur, or who someone who touches sales in some way in their professional lives. You'll get insight into the 7 strategies that Jeremy and his guest, coach, trainer, consultant and writer, Tom Bird, have identified and talked about in the 3rd edition of Brilliant Selling, out in January 2022. Anyone connected to sales will increase their understanding of what it takes to improve performance and deliver consistent sales results in 2022. The 7 strategies: • Focus on your buyers • Deploy process, test and measure • Apply exceptional pre-suasion and influencing capabilities • Build strong personal brand • Maintain active online presence • Develop heightened emotional intelligence • Continue self-improvement Do connect with our expert guests: To find out more about BIP100, visit our website at
On this BIP Chat we chat to leadership coach, trainer, consultant and writer, Jeremy Cassell. Jeremy focuses on working with his clients on selling, presenting and influencing.

There will be most to gain from listening to this chat if you are involved in sales in some way – a salesperson, manager, entrepreneur, or who someone who touches sales in some way in their professional lives.

You'll get insight into the 7 strategies that Jeremy and his guest, coach, trainer, consultant and writer, Tom Bird, have identified and talked about in the 3rd edition of Brilliant Selling, out in January 2022. Anyone connected to sales will increase their understanding of what it takes to improve performance and deliver consistent sales results in 2022.

The 7 strategies:

• Focus on your buyers
• Deploy process, test and measure
• Apply exceptional pre-suasion and influencing capabilities
• Build strong personal brand
• Maintain active online presence
• Develop heightened emotional intelligence
• Continue self-improvement

Do connect with our expert guests:

To find out more about BIP100, visit our website at