BIP Chat with Penny Power OBE
BIP Chat with Jane Piper - Pay attention to your attention
October 27, 2021
On this BIP Chat we chatted to Jane Piper, author of 'Focus in the Age of Distraction', who helps smart people work smarter. Are you feeling that you are busier than ever? On the go 24/7 but not necessarily getting more done? There is a competition for our attention every minute of our waking day. Our digital devices, social media and our nearest and dearest are all vying for our attention. Attention is the scarcest resource in an increasingly busy world. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the noise and distraction. By paying attention to our attention we can find ways to balance staying connected and having the head space to be creative, to think and solve problems. Watch this discussion where we talk about distraction, attention and how to balance in a busy connected world. Jane was joined by: Bob Barker: Helping individuals and organisations to develop digital professionalism to combat digital exhaustion and to thrive at work/in life. Renate Hasler: Career & Executive Coach For more information about BIP100, please visit our website:
On this BIP Chat we chatted to Jane Piper, author of 'Focus in the Age of Distraction', who helps smart people work smarter.

Are you feeling that you are busier than ever? On the go 24/7 but not necessarily getting more done?

There is a competition for our attention every minute of our waking day. Our digital devices, social media and our nearest and dearest are all vying for our attention. Attention is the scarcest resource in an increasingly busy world.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the noise and distraction. By paying attention to our attention we can find ways to balance staying connected and having the head space to be creative, to think and solve problems.

Watch this discussion where we talk about distraction, attention and how to balance in a busy connected world.

Jane Piper:

Bob Barker:
Helping individuals and organisations to develop digital professionalism to combat digital exhaustion and to thrive at work/in life.

Renate Hasler:
Career & Executive Coach

For more information about BIP100, please visit our website: