Lessons in Leadership From A Five-Year-Old
No More Leadership BS
Lessons in Leadership From A Five-Year-Old
November 10, 2021
“Keep it Sesame Street simple” is a business mantra originated by Proctor & Gamble (P&G) Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO, Alan George “A.G.” Lafley. Simple and brilliant...and is at the core of P&G's extended success. In the effort to cover all your leadership bases, how often do you overcomplicate the process and lose focus on what really works? Geoff McLachlan, owner and founder of Professionals at Play reveals how to stop overcomplicating leadership and start seeing results by viewing how simple it can actually be through the eyes of a 5-year-old.
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Today's Featured Coach - 
Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

The rest of the gang: