Plan All You Want, But Outcomes are Built on Action
No More Leadership BS
Plan All You Want, But Outcomes are Built on Action
January 10, 2023
Get in your car and drive. Sometimes it's fun to just go for a drive. But if you have a destination in mind, it's helpful to know that when you start moving the car down the road. As you're a leader or owner in your organization, the idea of running your operation should feel foreign without a plan. That doesn't mean that the highly-polished shareholder-friendly plan is THE plan, but how you enact it makes it move from plan to action. Our team starts the strategic planning discussion with the step after a fancy laminated plan. Strategic planning isn't a thing corporate says we must do; UNLESS, people don't actually act upon the plan. In that cased, planning is performative. But we're No More Leadership BS and we don't believe in busy work to placate others; we believe in leadership and intentionality. This journey goes from big fat idea toward making it happen.
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Today's Featured Coach - 

Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC Reach Jeffrey at [email protected] or 509-553-9248

The rest of the gang: