When You're Stuck in the Middle of the Fecal Festival, All You Can Control is Your Mindset with Jeff Geier
No More Leadership BS
When You're Stuck in the Middle of the Fecal Festival, All You Can Control is Your Mindset with Jeff Geier
July 19, 2023
"No matter where you go, there you are." It might be considered a silly phrase. Consider the implications; wherever you are, you're there. There's no way around that. The remaining choice is how you think about you being in that space. Maybe your physical space is shared with an untethered, uncaged, hungry bear. Fight or flight takes over and there's not a lot of need for introspection and mindset. In most of our daily life, we're not met with this kind of danger, but our brain and body registers danger anyway. What then? When we have big emotions, in most situations, we have a moment to pause, reflect and truly consider what to do and how we think about the situation. The pause can be very quick - hand, cup, liquid, floor, towel, GO - and you clean up the mess. The pause can be slower where you are in a conversation and you assess the content, mood, make predictions as to what might come next and THEN engage. The No More Leadership BS team does not advocate for an It's Always Sunny In My Mind disposition; we want you to be in charge of your mindset. Appreciate emotions and then move to being in control of your thoughts and actions and make progress intentionally. Because no one wants to be the ringmaster in the 3-Ring Fecal Festival.
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  • Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC Reach Jeffrey at [email protected] or 509-553-9248

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