Ep:8 - Stan Wasowicz and SmartRecruiters, the HRTech for smartypants
November 4, 2021
In this week's episode of TH4SU, Theo gets to chat with Stanislaw Wasowicz at SmartRecruiters on why the ATS is the motor to your car. We discuss: *What technology to consider in the candidate journey: from top of the funnel, right through *The great resignation - why standards have changed since COVID * How to select the best HRTech tools based on process, location and what problems to solve *What do companies care about? How do they lead their organization? What's their methodology? *Why relationships are important with the emergence of AI
* Closing thoughts and insights * Enjoy the show! We welcome your feedback and any ideas on who you'd like to see on our upcoming talent hacks for scaleups shows!
Check out our other episodes here: https://bit.ly/zincpodcast