She Leads She Thrives
Ep46 - Believing in the infinite w/ Jo Naughton
August 11, 2023
Something fresh for this week's episode is a conversation with the incredible Jo Naughton. When I first connected with Jo she came across as a serious kind of coach, but getting to know her I now know she's actually serious about honouring her soul gifts and co-creating alignment in as many ways as possible. She is a deeply intuitive, spiritual soul with a plethora of gifts her coaching clients appreciate and benefit from over and over. Our conversation covered many interesting topics and through the stories, wisdom, and insights Jo shares I have no doubt you'll have a new appreciation and understanding of magic, alignment, the chakras, and more.
Something fresh for this week's episode is a conversation with the incredible Jo Naughton. When I first connected with Jo she came across as a serious kind of coach, but getting to know her I now know she's actually serious about honouring her soul gifts and co-creating alignment in as many ways as possible. 

She is a deeply intuitive, spiritual soul with a plethora of gifts her coaching clients appreciate and benefit from over and over. Our conversation covered many interesting topics and through the stories, wisdom, and insights Jo shares I have no doubt you'll have a new appreciation and understanding of magic, alignment, the chakras, and more.

In this episode, we talk through the following key topics

Meet guest Jo Naughton; Joanna Naughton (Jo to her friends!) is an Alignment Activator, Spiritual-Embodiment Mentor, and Intuitive Channel. She helps light-workers and heart-led leaders to feel the abundance and expansion of tuning into their limitless soul wisdom and calling this home to the pleasure and power of their body – so that they can create and allow more joy, more freedom, and more impact, inside and out.

Through her 1:1 work (only carried out with contracted soul sisters), Jo uses her unique blend of Mentoring, Coaching, Energy Activation, and Intuitive Hypnosis to guide people to activate the remembrance of their soul's truest vibration. This total Mind-Body-Soul alignment sees her clients loving life in the now AND creating and allowing everything that is truly meant for them in this lifetime, with more ease and flow.

Jo lives in a lovely old cottage in an English village, with “The Husband” (yes – that’s genuinely what she calls him around the house), their three gorgeous cats, and lots of beautiful William Morris wallpaper. She is always open to new (and soul-remembered) friends, so never hesitate to connect with her and say hello. She will be ready to walk side-by-side with you, and to light the world together.

Connect with Jo here

Access the transcript here.

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