When You're Dazed and Confused, Head Toward Clarity with Jeff Geier
No More Leadership BS
When You're Dazed and Confused, Head Toward Clarity with Jeff Geier
August 30, 2023
Complete clarity is usually an illusion. Think back to a time someone gave instructions and then asked, "Is that clear," to close the conversation. Was it clear to you? Once you engaged in following the instructions, was your understanding demonstrated by action as comprehensive as the clarity you may have claimed? Even when we think we're clear, odds are that there are still misunderstandings. It is imperative for leaders to know that everyone understands the same things in the same ways. This can happen in multiple ways, but all of them are based upon quality communication. If you find yourself thinking, "they should have known," or "they knew that's not what I meant," you are highlighting a wonderful opportunity to strive for clarity where confusion currently exists. The No More Leadership BS team describes fundamentally cloudy situations where clarity would have been helpful or was developed in some cases, to actually prevent a struggle. As you listen think about one area where you need more clarity; your goals, your communication, your expectations, or another area. Once you have defined that area, consider one action you can take to start to develop clarity. Let us know in our Facebook group, we'd be thrilled to hear your aspirations!
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us .
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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC Reach Jeffrey at [email protected] or 509-553-9248

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