Paying Attention is a Free Investment in Great Relationships with Geoff McLachlan
No More Leadership BS
Paying Attention is a Free Investment in Great Relationships with Geoff McLachlan
June 28, 2023
"I was so poor, I couldn't even pay attention." It's an old joke, but, like any good humor, there's some truth in there. When you've got a scarcity of resources (e.g. poor), it's difficult to have focus on anything. If you're not able to invest a non-retail service, there is no way other things are going well. Leaders are required to pay attention to various issues. KPI's, goals, shareholder expectations, etc. Effective leaders demonstrate their superpower of paying attention to metrics and budgets while also attending to the needs of the human for whom they hold responsibility. It can be easy to pay attention to reports; data, charts, graphs, and executive summaries because the information is presented to you. Paying attention to important things that don't show up on a quarterly report like an employee's disposition, when a conversation falls silent, when a project keeps gaining steam and is ahead of schedule, these are also data, but not information that can be gathered passively. Leaders pay attention actively, consistently, and purposefully. The No More Leadership BS team addresses various angles of paying attention, why it's important, and how you, as a leader, can develop paying attention as a superpower.
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Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

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