Top 5 Self-Care Goals for a Happier Life
Coffee with Colleen Hammond
Top 5 Self-Care Goals for a Happier Life
September 12, 2022
Setting the right goals is always the first step to starting anything new—including a self-care plan. Goals give you clarity and allow you to accomplish things easily and directly. Without proper goals, you will stay on the same path. As Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Sadly, many people dream, but never set short-term or long-term goals in order to fulfill those dreams. When it comes to self-care, five practices have been shown to be the easiest to implement with the greatest long-term benefit. In this episode of Coffee with Colleen, I’ll share the top 5 self-care activities you can start today that will lead to a happier and healthier you.
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Colleen coaches clients and leads workshops training people to develop an impactful personal brand that is strengthened by incorporating emotional intelligence, heart intuition, and body language. ➕❤️

Colleen is a former on-camera meteorologist for The Weather Channel turned Executive Image Consultant and Personal Brand strategist, coach, and mentor.

In front of a camera for over 40 years — first as a model, as Miss Michigan National Teen-Ager, an On-Camera Meteorologist at the Weather Channel, and then as an anchor and a reporter—Colleen coaches people on how to look stand out on Zoom—for all the right reasons! Learn more here.