The Explosively Sour Jawbreaker of Leadership has a Sweet Center with Dr. Sam Jennings
No More Leadership BS
The Explosively Sour Jawbreaker of Leadership has a Sweet Center with Dr. Sam Jennings
November 22, 2023
The No More Leadership BS team brings truth, honesty, and practical observations. Typically, the flavor is palatable, but today, we're bringing the sour to our sweet. Leadership is an honor, exciting, and ever-changing. That makes it fun. Also, it can be a steamy, hot mess. If you're feeling like "why do I bother" when you think about your leadership expectations, you're not alone. Also, there are reasons why we all stay engaged. Some ways to avoid the sour from overriding the sweet include: 1️⃣ Don't take yourself too seriously: The work is serious and important, but each of us is just a person 2️⃣ Avoid comparison trap: Did you do the best you could within the circumstances available? If yes, that's a success 3️⃣ The power of impacting others: There are times when you get to see your influence. Other times it comes back around much later, even years. No matter when this impact shows up, it can really carry a leader through the sours to find this sweet. In this season of Thanksgiving, let's slow down and appreciate the components in our leadership. It's okay to understand what you don't like without ruminating on it. It's not self-serving to fully appreciate how you've served others. We give thanks to you for listening. We're also thankful that we can positively affect leaders and their teams. Leaders have tremendous responsibilities and influence. We're thankful there are leaders out there who want to continuously improve in the name of those they serve. #AppreciateTheGood
Have questions,  suggestions or just a great story to tell about some Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us  or NOW you can text us directly at 

(986) 213-0621. 

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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Dr. Sam Jennings II - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - provides leadership coaching for decision-makers who want to improve workplace culture. 360 Clarity also provides diversity & inclusion, training, keynote speaking, and training workshops, Owner/Founder 360 Clarity [email protected] or 208-261-2117