The Secret Sauce to Motivating Your Team with Jeff Conroy
No More Leadership BS
The Secret Sauce to Motivating Your Team with Jeff Conroy
August 25, 2021
To be an effective leader, few skills are more important to have than an ability to communicate with your employees and team members clearly and effectively. In fact, communication is the key to an engaged and inspired work culture. But what is important to communicate and how do you do it? Our very own Jeff Conroy of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC has been there, done that, got the teeshirt with holes in it! He pulls the curtain back on what it took to get seven team members to imagine, engage and produce a live event for 1500 people and come out on the other end closely knit and ready to take on even bigger challenges. No, he didn't pull a rabbit out of his hat but used finely tuned leadership skills that are available for every leader who wants to put in the time to learn them. And they're all laid out for you with no BS on this week's episode.
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us. If we read your story on a future episode, you will win a professional Behavioral and Motivator Assessment along with a Debrief with one of the coaches on our team.

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This week's featured coach:
Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC.

>>>You can reach out to him at [email protected] or give him a call  208-215-6285<<<