BIP Chat with Penny Power OBE
BIP Chat with Tim Robertson - What's the future for hybrid sales teams?
October 6, 2021
In this BIP Chat, we talked to sales performance consultant Tim Robertson. Now that we're approaching the post pandemic era how are salespeople going to operate in a new business environment? Are they going to work more from home and use virtual technologies such as Zoom. Will they WANT to work from home …or just go back to meeting face to face? Listen back to our chat with Tim and his guest, strategy expert, Steve Sanders. To find out more about BIP100 Club, please visit our website:
In this BIP Chat, we talked to sales performance consultant Tim Robertson.

Now that we're approaching the post pandemic era how are salespeople going to operate in a new business environment?  

Are they going to work more from home and use virtual technologies such as Zoom. Will they WANT to work from home …or just go back to meeting face to face?

Listen back to our chat with Tim and his guest, strategy expert, Steve Sanders.

To find out more about BIP100 Club, please visit our website: