Work Might Require "The Grind" but What if Your Grinder is Crap with Geoff McLachlan
No More Leadership BS
Work Might Require "The Grind" but What if Your Grinder is Crap with Geoff McLachlan
June 7, 2023
Lazy leadership sees a lack of outcomes as a lack of effort. "DO MORE! "WORK HARDER!" What if people ARE working harder AND are putting in excess hours? A single horse can pull a wagon with square wheels only so fast. More horses, better wagon. The idea of working smarter not harder has its place. But in order to work smarter, we need to first stop working entirely to fully assess where we are and what needs to change. Just tweaking things that are easy and convenient might not move the needle on your productivity. People are more satisfied in their jobs when they can use creativity, have autonomy, and feel a sense of purpose. There is no better way than to allow an employee to examine their own tasks and responsibilities and come up with new and more efficient ways to get them done to the same or better outcomes. When we give people the chance to invest in their own day-to-day, they are happier, more engaged, and more efficient. Some insights on just working harder, foolish change for the sake of change, and of course, whether we have a half-hearted or whole-hearted effort and why come from the No More Leadership BS team. You don't have to be bad to get better; this episode can help everyone improve their leadership.
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Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

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