Why Does the Leadership Team Shuffle Look Less Like a Dance and More Like a Mosh Pit with Jeff Conroy
No More Leadership BS
Why Does the Leadership Team Shuffle Look Less Like a Dance and More Like a Mosh Pit with Jeff Conroy
July 17, 2024
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Every leadership team whether a board or an executive team experiences change and transition. With boards, some of the transition is predictable due to board member terms. That does not guarantee that the transition is smooth, easy, efficient, or even anything but chaotic. People experiencing change experience questions, concerns, and instability. Knowing that transition can be difficult for individuals and teams, here are some properly earned thoughts on such team changes: 1. Meaningful Volunteer Work and Board Preparation: Volunteer work is impactful and productive. To ensure volunteers have the ability to be their best, the organization must provide thorough training and orientation for volunteers including board members. 2. Role Clarity and Communication: Understanding one's role and ensuring transparent communication is crucial for smooth board operations. One of the biggest problems with communication is the illusion that it actually occurred. 3. Preparation and Training: Starting with the end in mind means preparing the next board president and setting clear expectations for all board members. "On the job training" is not an effective training strategy because it relies on no one's prior learning and history. Leaders need to equip board members with proper tools and job descriptions to fulfill their duties effectively. Board members can be volunteers, paid, or donors. Regardless of the mechanism, board members have responsibilities to the organization which must be defined by the organization. When expectations are defined, they must be communicated and a mechanism for accountability must also be present. Yes, even for board members. The No More Leadership BS Team has seen all types of boards and leadership teams. There is nothing so clear to an organization as a transition in leadership that is executed without care and concern for the organization. Individuals must ensure their egos are left at their day job and they show up with humility to learn and lead where they can. But there's more, what are some of your favorite morsels from this episode?
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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC. Reach Jeff at [email protected] or  208-215-6285

The rest of the gang::