What the Nell!?
Discovering Purpose and Breaking Societal Molds with Nina Olofsson
July 24, 2023
Have you ever felt as though despite having all the trappings of a successful life, something essential is still missing? As if instead of living your purpose, you are living someone else's dreams? If you're an accomplished woman in your 30s and beyond, these feelings may hit close to home. In our latest conversation, life coach and mentor, Nina Olofsson, shares her personal journey of moving from societal expectations of ‘having it all' to self-discovery and authenticity. Nina's experiences resonate deeply with many women who, while being high achievers, still feel an emptiness within. Not one to shy away from the hard questions, Nina delves into the societal constructs that shape our understanding of fulfillment and success. She brings forth the need to get in touch with our true selves, to understand our values, set our boundaries, and envision our dreams. We also touch upon the power of perception, illustrated through Nina's enlightening experience of a broken leg on an ATV ride, serving as a reminder that perspectives can be changed and a tough situation can be viewed with humor. Connect with Nina: https://ninaolofsson.com Download Queen of Manifestation and The Self Worth Journaling Guide for FREE: https://ninaolofsson.com/freebie/
(0:00:00) - Exploring Fulfillment and Breaking Societal Molds
(0:11:38) - Finding Balance and Fulfillment in Life
(0:27:51) - The CRAZIEST WTN story ever!

Connect with Nina: https:https://ninaolofsson.com/
Download Queen of Manifestation and The Self Worth Journaling Guide for FREE: https://ninaolofsson.com/freebie/

Drop us a line!  [email protected]

Click the link to grab a copy of Nell's #1 Bestselling book, Curvature of the Career: https://www.amazon.com/Curvature-Career-Twists-Pursue-Happiness-ebook/dp/B09VD5VNKC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ADN1EYOBN906&keywords=curvature+of+the+career&qid=1647545221&sprefix=curvature+%2Caps%2C60&sr=8-1

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Travel Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxvtS3QSmTLOL8IZxm-kyg

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