The Accidental Leader
No More Leadership BS
The Accidental Leader
October 13, 2021
It could happen today. You are called into the office, and the boss tells you that due to unforeseen circumstances, starting today you will be in charge of a team, a project, an office, a committee, or a business unit...or a family! We don't always realize we are a leader and may even avoid the responsibilities. Myra Hall, owner/founder of Waypoint Coaching Group, brings a couple of her real-life experiences of when she became an "Accidental Leader" and gets a lively discussion going with the rest of the No Bs crew.
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us. If we read your story on a future episode, you will win a professional Behavioral and Motivator Assessment along with a Debrief with one of the coaches on our team.

EMAIL US at [email protected]

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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Myra Hall - Individual and Team Coaching, Trainer- Helping you do the hard things that stand in the way of success - Owner/Founder Waypoint Coaching Group  You can reach her directly at [email protected] or 765-623-9711

The rest of the gang: