If You Can't Expect the Unexpected, How Can You Prepare for It with Geoff McLachlan
No More Leadership BS
If You Can't Expect the Unexpected, How Can You Prepare for It with Geoff McLachlan
May 22, 2024
Being thrown a curveball might be surprising if you're used to getting fastballs all day. But if you're at bat and ready for the next pitch and you're thrown a dodgeball, what's the plan now, Captain Smartypants? The silly point is that just by living life, we have the opportunity to continually respond to things we haven't precisely seen before. As we grow and mature, there are still firsts that we may be aware of in the abstract, but they become more real when they become part of our experience. As leaders, our odd situations tend to live within a range of expectations. In the execution of their primary responsibilities, the sergeant in the field won't be asked how to respond to underperforming stocks for a Fortune 100 company. Similarly, most folks in the c-suite will not be consulted on the detailed approach to addressing the electrical shortage in one of the 348 buildings the company manages. In short, leaders will be required to respond to odd things and rarely are they 100% brand new to a seasoned leader. Therefore, there are some concepts and methods when forging into the unknown: 1. Focus on Excellence in Key Areas - mastering a few things perfectly rather than spreading yourself too thin. 2. Embrace Resilience Over Victimhood - use the power of resilience and stepping back to see the big picture before diving in. It's about asking "Can I do this?" instead of "Why is this happening to me?" 3. Mindset Matters - when faced with unexpected icebergs (literally and metaphorically), our mindset and perspective guide how we adapt and persist that defines our success 4. Team Collaboration - a leader is responsible for keeping the mission and vision front and center while involving the team in navigating bumps in the road 5. Resilience vs. Perseverance - Resilience is about how you respond to setbacks, while perseverance is about sustained effort over time. Both are crucial for enduring the rollercoaster of leadership and business. When responding to unknown circumstances, perfection is typically not possible. And, it is rare that a completely new approach is required to be built from zero to finished product. In most cases, unexpected situations can be resolved within existing structures. The change that is typically needed is in the frame of mind of the leader and their team. As you think about how you respond to unexpected events, consider both the emotion of the situation as well as the foundational knowledge you hold to respond to the circumstances. The No More Leadership BS team has been involved in many changes, transitions, and surprises over the years. As one example, in this very episode, Dr. Sam steps all over Geoff's plan... and Geoff just rolls with it. So not all things unexpected are huge, but they all require our attention. What is one approach you can utilize when it comes to unexpected situations?
In this episode of the "No More Leadership BS Podcast," the team jumps into the challenging topic of handling the unexpected in leadership. By exploring historical examples like Ernest Shackleton's polar expeditions, they draw parallels to modern business scenarios where unforeseen obstacles arise. They, share insights on resilience, perseverance, and maintaining a steadfast focus on mission and vision, all while leveraging teamwork to navigate and overcome unexpected setbacks. Listen in for practical advice and real-world examples on how to stay prepared and adaptable in the face of uncertainty.

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Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

The rest of the gang: