What If You Went on Vacation and Actually Left Work Behind with Myra Hall
No More Leadership BS
What If You Went on Vacation and Actually Left Work Behind with Myra Hall
July 31, 2024
Okay, quick run down... I've got my clothes, toiletries, pajamas, swimsuit, sunscreen, sun hat, work laptop, work cell, work printer, and just a few must-do meetings on my calendar. Yes, time for vacation!! Many people have jobs where they are expected to be able to be reached 24/7. But, and just hear me out, what if you're not available? On a plane, can't take calls. Between large cities, spotty service on the interstate. Attending to biological needs, just put the frickin' phone in another room for the love of all that is decent. There is just a ton of what-if scenarios. In fact, there are so many possible things that can go wrong, it's probably best that you never leave your job. No, no, no. Not for the day... at all. Best leave your family and move to your office because SOMETHING might go wrong. This is weapons-grade bad advice. Humans enjoy engaging work and meaningful play. And we need them both. Meaningful play might be a rowdy game of Uno. It might be a fully uninterrupted 30-minute mediation. No matter what helps your brain be healthier, it's important to engage in that behavior. Easier said than done? What if you were to... Prioritize Your Time: "We have 24 hours in a day, and we control what we fill that time with." Make sure you’re scheduling quality downtime. Lead by Example: If leaders don't take their own vacations seriously, their team won't either. Encourage rest by practicing it yourself. Recognize Self-Inflicted Stress: A strong sense of duty can be counterproductive. If you’re constantly tethered to your work devices, it might be time to reassess your boundaries. Whether you're a CEO or just starting your career, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you find that critical balance between work and life. There are times when it is easy. For example, taking a weekend trip to a location that is off-the-grid. It's easy to not respond to email and calls when you can't receive them. Another way is to invest in a Faraday box or envelope. Need some quiet time? Put your phone in the Faraday and it won't receive the signal, plus, it's not within reach so you can't just turn off airplane mode and quickly check something. Your time is yours. It is your responsibility and opportunity to spend it in ways that make sense to you. If not taking time off does not work for you, the No More Leadership BS team has some recommendations about how to reclaim your time and keep yourself from getting in the express lane to burnout.
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  • Myra Hall - Individual and Team Coaching, Midlife Mentoring- Helping you identify and overcome the things that keep you from living and loving a life that counts. - Owner/Founder Waypoint Coaching Group Reach Myra at [email protected] or 765-623-9711

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