Is Developing Your Team an Expense or an Investment?
No More Leadership BS
Is Developing Your Team an Expense or an Investment?
September 22, 2021
If the first thing you look to cut when times are tough is your payroll costs but you still want (and need) a highly motivated workforce, maybe it's time to move past mindsets that prioritize controlling costs over empowering people. To underline the importance of this mindset shift, today's worker increasingly sees their efforts on the job as investing in the company's success as well. Whoa! Sounds like we have some sortin' to do! Geoff McLachlan, Professor of Play and Founder/Owner of Professionals at Play brings this question to the team to toss around. There doesn't seem to be any question we believe that investing in the workforce can play huge dividends, but the question remains is "How?"
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Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play
Start bringing the fun back into your workplace by reaching out to Geoff at [email protected] or 509-869-4506