Making Sales Social Podcast
Natalie Benamou - Empowering Women in Leadership: From Digital Transformations to Blue Ocean Strategies
January 10, 2024
In this episode, Natalie Benamou offers valuable insights on a topic that will benefit many women in sales who are looking to advance in their careers. Join us as we discuss the journey of women in leadership and how to empower and thrive in that journey. Natalie will also talk about the Blue Ocean strategy, which harnesses the brilliance of female talents and helps companies stand out. Tune in now to learn more. Natalie Benamou is the Founder and Chief Growth Officer of HerCsuite®, a women's leadership network that aims to promote and support women at every stage of their careers. Natalie is also an accomplished speaker and moderator and has delivered engaging leadership programs to companies such as Coupa, Horizon, and the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association (HBA) National Conference, among others. Her guiding principle in life is best summed up by a quote from Maya Angelou: "People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." Learn more about Natalie by visiting her website and tuning in to her podcast. You can also follow and connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter.
LinkedIn:   Natalie Benamou, MBA | LinkedIn
Twitter:      NatalieBenamou