How to Hire the Right Employee Every Single Time
No More Leadership BS
How to Hire the Right Employee Every Single Time
September 29, 2021
Just about every leader has lived through the horrors of a nightmare employee. Hiring the right person is a challenging process. Hiring the wrong one is expensive, costly to your work environment, and time-consuming. Geoff McLachlan takes the lead in today's episode as we explore best practices for getting the right person on your bus and ensuring they're in the right seat...a practice that pays you back a thousand times over in high employee morale, positive forward-thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging goals.
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Today's Featured Coach - 
Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

The rest of the No BS gang: