Bold Decisions, Bolder Regrets: Navigating Leadership Challenges
No More Leadership BS
Bold Decisions, Bolder Regrets: Navigating Leadership Challenges
March 20, 2024
The chances we didn't take. This is among the top of the regrets that most people have. Only one of us in the group regrets not speaking to Chris Evans, aka, Captain Frickin' America until the end of a first-class flight. Mr. Evans chatted up our teammate for the last 5 minutes of the flight and was absolutely kind and gracious. Would the conversation have been enjoyable and engaging for more than 5 minutes? There is literally no way to know for sure. Regrets. In leadership (and life), we make a lot of decisions that have repercussions. All we can do is make meaning of the regrets we've experienced in order to avoid making the same mistakes again. As you walk your journey, please key into these key points regarding regret: - Not being true to one's self is a common version of regret. In other words, "I failed my own moral code." - Forgiving one's self is freeing and can be transformative in one's journey. - An unresolved regret can generate rumination where a person never actually addresses the action, but holds stress over the action they did or did not take. BREAKING: The No More Leadership BS team is fully, 100% human! As such, the discussion is an honest conversation on how to use regrets as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. One reason is that we've learned about it. Another reason is that we've lived it. If you're not willing to look back to move forward with meaning and purpose, odds are good that you'll keep running into the same blockers repeatedly, until you resolve the original error way back when. You can do it, we can help. In your garden, at the gym, or on your commute, the No More Leadership BS team is here to help you resolve your regret and continually improve a little each week.
Have questions,  suggestions or just a great story to tell about some Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us  or NOW you can text us directly at 

(986) 213-0621. 

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Featured Coach - 
Dr. Sam Jennings II - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - provides leadership coaching for decision-makers who want to improve workplace culture. 360 Clarity also provides diversity & inclusion, training, keynote speaking, and training workshops, Owner/Founder 360 Clarity [email protected] or 208-261-2117