The Sales Psyched Podcast
Ep 42: How to Sell to a Big Ego Buyer
January 31, 2022
This episode focuses on selling to big ego buyers, aka, the, 'I know best' buyers.

Episode 42: How to Sell to a Big Ego Buyer

This episode focuses on selling to big ego buyers, aka, the, 'I know best' buyers. It can be a real challenge selling to a big ego buyer, but it doesn't have to be. All you need is the right approach and a little sales psychology.

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More About SalesDrive, LLC
At SalesDrive, LLC, we help companies perfect the salesperson hiring process by offering a variety of tools, like a sales assessment and psychologically-based interview guides, that aid companies in never hiring a bad salesperson again. SalesDrive was founded in 2005 based on the single biggest frustration many companies face, selecting sales candidates who interviewed well, only to flame out when placed on the line. Dr. Croner reviewed more than 90 years of academic research as well as his own work in conducting intensive behavioral interviews and discovered that high-performance salespeople shared three innate personality traits. After identifying a gap in the marketplace, he went on to develop The DriveTest® sales assessment. The only sales assessment to measure the three non-teachable traits necessary for new business acquisition.
If you are hiring salespeople, request a free DriveTest® assessment today:



[soft melody theme music]
[00:00]  Katherine Abraham: Hello and Welcome to the Sales Psyched podcast, where we discuss strategies for leveraging psychology within the world of sales. Each episode is hosted by Dr. Chris Croner, who has a PhD in clinical psychology and has spent his career helping companies around the world build stellar sales teams.

[00:20]   Let's get started.
[deep drum, marching intro music]

[00:30]  Chris Croner: Today we're gonna talk about selling to big ego buyers. There's a way to lay a little psychological jujitsu on big ego buyers that can often turn the whole conversation around in your favor. Ask him or her for some advice.

[00:48]  Think about it. The big ego folks are usually 'know it all's', they want to talk, not listen and they want to make it absolutely clear to you that they think they are bigger than you are. So let them!

[01:00]  A salesperson I know tells the story of a big union boss he was trying to sell to very tough, interrupted constantly. Finally, my salesperson said, "I'm obviously not doing a good job of explaining the benefits of my services here. May I ask you for some advice?"

[01:18]  Of course, asking a big ego person for advice is absolute catnip, but let's keep going.

[01:25] "You obviously know more than anybody about your organization. How would you present my product if you were me?" This hits the ego trifecta. The salesperson is asking for advice, the salesperson is stroking his ego, and the salesperson has a good chance of making the sale the buyer's idea as he explains the right way to sell it.

[01:50]  Of course, you may get a negative response, but at this point the chances of your closing the business without a strong move are low anyway and we really have seen this technique turn things around, so use it carefully, but as an important part of your selling arsenal when you run up against buyers like Patton. See you next time.

[soft melody theme music]

[02:15] Chris Croner:  Thank you for listening to the sales psyched podcast. If you haven't already, please be sure to click the subscribe button and leave us a five star review. If you found this information helpful, please consider sharing it. We'd love your help in spreading the word until next time. Take care.