A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the... Nope, This Just Sucks, Embrace It with Jeff Geier
No More Leadership BS
A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the... Nope, This Just Sucks, Embrace It with Jeff Geier
October 11, 2023
"Embrace the Suck." Coined by the US Navy SEALs, this phrase refers to consciously accepting and appreciating something extremely unpleasant for the sake of forward progression. Why start the commentary of this episode with the previous statement? A) We don't steal the work of others, B) we cite sources as appropriate, and C) we absolutely have no desire for any number of Navy SEALS to come after us. No. Desire. At. All. There is no living human who hasn't had to embrace the suck for something in their life. The nature of suck may be VERY different, but to that individual, the bad thing they're experiencing SUCKS! It's not a competition. Our brains respond to stress in our own context. What some people consider stressful, others consider a welcome break from their daily life. When we're on our journey, sometimes we see warning signs, "Crappy Moment Ahead: Prepare for it to Suck." Sometimes The Suck just shows up without warning. What can we do? We can complain and argue and fight against it... or we can embrace it and do whatever we can possibly do to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. But how? In this episode, the No More Leadership BS team shares insights, wisdom, and fully embraces the suck of embracing a sucky circumstance.
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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC Reach Jeffrey at [email protected] or 509-553-9248

The rest of the gang: