ShanghaiZhan: All Things China Marketing, Advertising, Tech & Platforms
Will Livestream Commerce Become a Hit Outside China? Agree or Disagree?
December 28, 2023
Welcome to Season 3 of ShanghaiZhan! We thought for this season, we would try something a bit different. In addition to our popular interviews, Ali and I will cover pressing issues ourselves in a series called Agree or Disagree. Will live stream commerce become a hit outside of China? Livestreaming is projected to hit $65 billion in the U.S., representing 5% of total e-commerce. Livestream channels on TikTok have made it more approachable to consumers outside of China, and viewer numbers, although still relatively small, are growing. In China, live streaming is an enigma, with over 500 million consumers regularly engaging in live streaming. Chinese shoppers use live streams to find their favorite brands and get deals, while in the West, it is considered a form of entertainment. Bryce thinks it will take off big time, especially when celebrity influencers get involved, and the production values improve. Ali disagrees. Live stream will have its place in the media mix, but it won't be as big as in China. What do you think? Agree or Disagree?
Welcome to Season 3 of ShanghaiZhan!  We thought for this season, we would try something a bit different. In addition to our popular interviews, Ali and I will cover pressing issues ourselves in a series called Agree or Disagree.

Will live stream commerce become a hit outside of China?  Livestreaming is projected to hit $65 billion in the U.S., representing 5% of total e-commerce. Livestream channels on TikTok have made it more approachable to consumers outside of China, and viewer numbers, although still relatively small, are growing. In China, live streaming is an enigma, with over 500 million consumers regularly engaging in live streaming. Chinese shoppers use live streams to find their favorite brands and get deals, while in the West, it is considered a form of entertainment.

Bryce thinks it will take off big time, especially when celebrity influencers get involved, and the production values improve.  Ali disagrees. Live stream will have its place in the media mix, but it won't be as big as in China.

What do you think? Agree or Disagree?

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ShanghaiZhan Theme Music:  by Bryce Whitwam

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