Do You Really Need Thick Skin To Be An Effective Leader?
No More Leadership BS
Do You Really Need Thick Skin To Be An Effective Leader?
March 2, 2022
As a leader, how necessary is it to have thick skin? Will you and your team flourish by embracing the "thick-skinned approach", or just clash around clumsily after you all have "armored up?" There's more than meets the eye on this subject and Jeff Geier of Phoenix Coaching keeps the ball moving as each of the No BS Gang weighs in with just a slightly different idea of just what "thick skin" means.
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us

Today's Featured Coach - 
Jeffrey Geier - Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Coach - Helping You Win in Work & Life  Owner/Founder of Phoenix Coaching LLC Reach Jeffrey at [email protected] or 509-553-9248

The rest of the gang: