Making Sales Social Podcast
Martijn Holtes - Unlocking Productivity: Personal Knowledge Management & Thought Leadership on LinkedIn
July 25, 2023
Martin Holtes joins us on this episode to share his insights on Personal Knowledge Management and Thought Leadership on LinkedIn. In this conversation, Martin explains the concept of Knowledge Capital and how it can help individuals unlock their productivity. He emphasizes the importance of collecting and organizing information that is relevant to one's goals and interests and provides practical tips on how to leverage this knowledge capital to share thought leadership on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Whether you're a content creator, a business owner, or simply someone looking to enhance your sales productivity, this episode is packed with valuable insights that you won't want to miss. Tune in now and unlock your full potential with Personal Knowledge Management and Thought Leadership. Martijn Holtes specializes in helping professionals and aspiring thought leaders in the B2B service industry and consultative selling fields to amplify their impact through the power of social and knowledge capital. We love that knowledge capital. That's better than thought leadership. We think that's awesome. He teaches how to leverage your social capital for meaningful connections, strategic partnerships, and new business opportunities. Martijn also shares his expertise on developing your knowledge capital, teaching how to turn unique insights into compelling content that highlights your expertise and establishes you as a go-to authority. Learn more about Martin by visiting her website, and following him on LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also grab his Productivity Toolkit to keep you focused and organized through out the day.
Website:      Profiteer van je kennis en netwerk kapitaal (
       My Toolkit for a productive day! (
LinkedIn:     LinkedIn
Twitter:        Twitter