BIP Chat with Penny Power OBE
BIP Chat with Subash Tavares - Delivering Complex Projects & Programmes
July 28, 2021
This was 45 minutes of amazing conversation between 3 experts in the Program and Project Delivery world. Looking at the triangle, inspired by Subash Tavares, of Processes and procedures, Technology and people. In this discussion Subash, from The Virtual PMO Company discusses Processes and Procedures, Phil Shatz from Glimpse of the Future talks about the technology and Donnie MacNicol - the Complex Change Catalyst™, represents the people side.
This was  45 minutes of amazing conversation between 3 experts in the Program and Project Delivery world. Looking at the triangle, inspired by Subash Tavares, of Processes and procedures, Technology and people.

In this discussion Subash, from The Virtual PMO Company discusses Processes and Procedures, Phil Shatz from Glimpse of the Future talks about the technology and Donnie MacNicol - the Complex Change Catalyst™, represents the people side.

Do connect with our experts and find out more about BIP100 Club:

Subash Tavares

Phil Shatz

Donnie MacNicol

Find out more about BIP100 Club on our website: