The 5 Generations at Work: Strategies for Retention and Engagement in a Changing Environment with Jeff Conroy
No More Leadership BS
The 5 Generations at Work: Strategies for Retention and Engagement in a Changing Environment with Jeff Conroy
March 6, 2024
Broad brushes and broad strokes have their time and place. Quick coverage over a large space calls for a broad brush. When detail work is needed, a smaller, more intentionally-placed brush is needed. When we look at differences and similarities in generations, there are some common experiences that led to some common values and expectations. And, it's not always the same for everyone in the same generation. Now that we have 5 generations of citizens in the workforce, the opportunity for misunderstanding is even broader. Leaders are required to understand the big collection of characteristics. And, effective leaders are required to understand when they need to be more detailed, specific, and focus on the needs of the individual within the context of their generation and the organization overall. Some tactics to consider when navigating the waters of a quintuple-generation workforce include... **Recognition and Authentic Appreciation:** Millennials and Gen Z-ers value genuine recognition and appreciation. It's crucial to acknowledge their contributions and create a trusting, authentic environment. **Inclusive Environment and Individualized Interactions:** A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it. Each person, regardless of generation, deserves to be valued as an individual. Inclusion is an exercise, not a mere numbers game, and leaders need to create spaces where each person feels comfortable and respected. **Mentorship and Purposeful Work:** Millennials and Gen Z-ers are eager for connection, mentorship, and meaningful work that aligns with their personal values. By providing opportunities for professional development, meaningful work, and genuine mentorship, leaders can retain younger talent in the workplace. As is the case with many things, it all comes down to relationships. Leaders who aspire to be effective will take time to foster relationships with others in the way that others want. Approaching a person who thrives on relationships will be different than engaging conversation with someone who values facts and data. The No More Leadership BS team represents 2 generations and has worked with all 5 over the course of their many years of varied experiences. In addition to what the team shares, we hope you consider your approach to generational needs and reach out if you'd like to run a situation by someone who is not in your chain of command and does not sign your evaluation.
On this episode of No More Leadership BS, Jeff Conroy, along with his co-hosts, engage in a lively and insightful discussion about retaining different generations in the workforce. With the presence of five generations in today's workplace, the panel delves into the unique needs, wants, and wishes of each generation, shedding light on the challenges and strategies for retaining talent.

From discussing the crucial role of recognition and appreciation to the importance of diversity and inclusion, the team explores the various ways organizations can create an inclusive environment that retains a diverse workforce.

Additionally, the conversation touches on the significance of mentoring and coaching in retaining younger talent and the importance of effectively implementing mentorship programs.

This episode is a must-listen for leaders and professionals looking to navigate the complexities of multi-generational workforces and foster a culture of inclusivity and retention.

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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC. Reach Jeff at [email protected] or  208-215-6285

The rest of the gang::