Following the Threads
Destiny and Listening to Body Wisdom with Autumn Schumacher
August 31, 2020
Spiritual Alchemist Autumn Schumacher shares with us her incredible life's journey of true Body Wisdom.

Life can lead us away from what seems like the path we want to take. If we open up to the possibility that even our most adverse situations can actually be destiny leading us toward our true calling, we can embrace change as Universal Wisdom. 

Join me as fellow Spiritual Alchemist Autumn Schumacher shares with us her incredible life's journey of true Body Wisdom. We discuss how even her most adverse moments lead her to help others and step into what Life is really calling her to become.

Click here to find out more about the circle we are both in with our teacher Taheera Tucker)

In my reemergence, I will continue to shine a spotlight on uplifting people as we stand firm as Lighthouses, shining Love in these confusing times.

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Either way, I'm so glad you are here and never forget you are not alone!

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