The One Thing with Lisa Byfield, Leanne Jones, and Aaron Malloy on Edge Radio Australia
The One Thing #7 WINNING LOTTERY - Beyond Luck: A Trip down Memory Lane when you Scratch those Winning Numbers
April 4, 2024
On this Easter weekend special episode we share anecdotes and laughs, from Leanne's wedding on Easter Sunday to cryptic clues about a life-changing event from the 1980s. As they navigate through banter about favourite chocolates and playful guesses, the revelation hits—the unforgettable moment when Leanne scratched those winning lotto numbers!

The hosts, Lisa Byfield, Leanne Jones and Special Guest Presenter Aaron Malloy from Edge Radio Australia, welcome listeners.


Key Points Covered:

Episode Structure:
  1. Introduction and revelation of the life-changing event.
  2. Discussion of the event's impact and subsequent life choices.
  3. Reflections on managing wealth and financial literacy.
  4. Nostalgic exploration of fashion trends and memorable moments from the 1980s.
  5. Lighthearted conversation about pet names and childhood experiences.
  6. Conclusion and wrap-up.

Additional Information:


Call to Action:

“If you’ve enjoyed this episode of The One Thing with Lisa Byfield, Leanne Jones and Special Guest Presenter Aaron Malloy head over to Worldwide Awake Business Directory where you will find Leanne Jones from Panasea Healing along with other amazing business owners who have the potential to transform 🌱 your life.”

We broadcast 🎤live🎤  on Edge Radio Australia every Thursday at 5:00pm AWST (+8 hrs GMT) and you can download the App HERE.