How to Make Commitments That Stick
No More Leadership BS
How to Make Commitments That Stick
January 5, 2022
Leaders keep their commitments. Easy to say, but so HARD to do, especially with the pressures and changes we have all experienced in the last couple of years. But there is a direct correlation between a leader’s commitment and their success; not only their success but the success of their team as well. Your team will watch your feet, more than your lips so if you want more commitment from your team, start with yourself. Myra Hall leads the No BS team in discovering just what makes some commitments easy to follow and others almost impossible. If you want to become a leader others willing choose to follow, then tune in to today's episode.
Have questions, or just a great story to tell about Leadership BS you have experienced? Let us know by emailing us . If we read your story on a future episode, you will win a professional Behavioral and Motivator Assessment along with a Debrief with one of the coaches on our team. 

Today's Featured Coach - 

Myra Hall - The Midlife Mentor - Individual and Team Coaching, Trainer- Helping you do the hard things that stand in the way of success - Owner/Founder Waypoint Coaching Group 

Contact me at [email protected] or text 765-623-9711

The rest of the gang: