Quiet Quitting’s Brash Cousin Hustle ‘n Grind
No More Leadership BS
Quiet Quitting’s Brash Cousin Hustle ‘n Grind
August 31, 2022
There is no question that hard work is necessary. This may be true across cultures. However, does working hard mean you need to do it constantly? In US culture, Hustle ‘n Grind takes the lead and if you’re not all about the hustle, then you’re a slacker. The idea of Quiet Quitting is doing the bare minimum to keep one’s job. Is Quiet Quitting worse than Hustle ‘n Grind? Hustling and grinding sounds like a business romance for any romcom, but in reality, no one can sprint forever. Also, grinding, by it’s very nature, takes big things and breaks them down into smaller things until there is no real recognizable properties in the powder that resemble the original material. When we’re grinding, we think we’re grinding the work (whatever that means) but there is no way we are not grinding ourselves into a fine dust. Being effective without working yourself to death is possible. There are many examples and cultures that model this. After listening to this episode, what are you going to do to take care of your OWN needs? What is one thing you can do to take a step away from Hustle ‘n Grind to recover your own physical and mental health?
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Today's Featured Coach - 

Geoff McLachlan - Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Bringing Fun Back Into the Workplace,  Owner/Founder of Professionals At Play  Reach Geoff directly at [email protected] or 509-869-4506

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