"I Don't Have Enough Time" Is Never An Excuse
No More Leadership BS
"I Don't Have Enough Time" Is Never An Excuse
November 3, 2021
We are all given the same 24 hrs, but so many never realize that time is the one asset that has to be spent and cannot be saved. Even with meticulous time management skills, so many leaders can't seem to find the time in their schedules to develop their staff. As a result, they find themselves in the never-ending frenzy of trying to do it all while grumbling aloud that they just can't find good help anymore. As a leadership development expert, Jeff Conroy of Conroy Leadership Consultants leads this impactful conversation that lays out the fallacy of saving time instead of investing your time and why this mindset shift makes such a huge difference to your team.
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Today's Featured Coach - 

  • Jeff Conroy - Organizational and Non-profit Expert, Motivational Speaker, Coach -  Executive Leader | Difference Maker for nonprofits in strategic planning, operations, and fundraising and development. Owner/Founder of Conroy Leadership Consulting, LLC.  Get better aquainted when you follow him on Facebook here

The rest of the gang: