ShanghaiZhan: All Things China Marketing, Advertising, Tech & Platforms
Performance Marketing China: The End of Advertising as We Know It?
January 25, 2024
Has performance marketing signaled the end of traditional marketing in China? Traditional marketing focuses more on slowly building brand awareness, creating a slow burn, and driving an emotional connection with consumers. On the other hand, performance marketing is more about results in the quest to drive sales and leads. Thanks to digital platforms, China's advertising is now 79% devoted to performance marketing. Brands are throwing away long-term emotive ads and are going for communications that quickly drive the bottom line. Is this simply lazy marketing? Can advertising be both emotive AND performance-led? Ali and I debate this on today's episode, providing insights for small brands and countline brands to break through the clutter.
Has performance marketing signaled the end of traditional marketing in China? Traditional marketing focuses more on slowly building brand awareness, creating a slow burn, and driving an emotional connection with consumers.  On the other hand, performance marketing is more about results in the quest to drive sales and leads. Thanks to digital platforms, China's advertising is now 79% devoted to performance marketing. Brands are throwing away long-term emotive ads and are going for communications that quickly drive the bottom line.

Is this simply lazy marketing? Can advertising be both emotive AND performance-led?  Ali and I debate this on today's episode, providing insights for small brands and countline brands to break through the clutter.

What do you think? Agree or disagree?

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